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Old 08-17-2015, 11:09 PM
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jkramer jkramer is offline
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Re: Broken LISP in v18.1


I made a "Rename All Shares" years ago, is this what you are looking for??
The field "Assembly" is the main assy in which you want to do your rename acgtion, "Part/Assy" is the part or assy that you want to rename. "Basename" is the new name for this Part/Assy. All shares of the Part/Assy will also be renamed.
(in-package :JAAPS_TOOLS)
(use-package :OLI)


(sd-defdialog 'rename_all_shares
 	:dialog-title "Rename All Shares"
	:toolbox-button t
		(ASSY :value-type :assembly :modifies :nil :title "Assembly" :initial-value (sd-pathname-to-obj "/"))
		(PARTASSY :selection (*sd-part-seltype* *sd-assembly-seltype*) :title "Part/Assy" :modifies NIL)
		(basename :value-type :string :title "New Base Name" :initial-value NIL)

   		(doit ()
			;inquire sysid of the selected part/assy
			(setf sysid (sd-inq-obj-contents-sysid partassy))
			;get a list of all items below the assy
			(setf TOT (jb-inq-obj-tree-list assy))
			;process all these items
			(dolist (obj TOT "done")
				;check if the current item is a share of the selected part/assy
				(if (equal (sd-inq-obj-contents-sysid obj) sysid)
				;if so, rename it
				;(display (format nil "Found: ~a" (sd-inq-obj-pathname obj)))
				;find the parent assy
				(if (sd-inq-parent-obj obj) (setf parntpath (sd-inq-obj-pathname (sd-inq-parent-obj obj))) (setf parntpath ""))
				;create the name
				(setf pth (format nil "~a/~a" parntpath basename))
				(setf suggestedpath pth)
				(setf countr 1)
				(setf basename2 basename)
				;if the pathname already exists, we should add a postfix number
				(if (oli::sd-pathname-to-obj pth) 
					(setf goed 0)
					;loop until we find a non-existing pathname
					(loop while (equal goed 0) do
					(setf pth (format nil "~a.~a" suggestedpath countr))
					(if (oli::sd-pathname-to-obj pth) 
					(setf countr (+ countr 1))
					(setf goed 1)
					;do the actual rename
					(setf basename2 (format nil "~a.~a" basename2 countr))
					(change_name_pa :part_asmb obj :name basename2)
				(change_name_pa :part_asmb obj :name basename)

(defun jb-inq-obj-tree-list (obj)
  	(cons obj
   		(apply #'nconc 
			(mapcar #'jb-inq-obj-tree-list 
				(sd-inq-obj-children obj)
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