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Old 05-02-2018, 01:20 PM
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gmatelich gmatelich is offline
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Super Fast Autosave

I've been manually testing a much faster method of autosave, though admittedly it's currently much less user friendly. For testing I turn on autosave, with the 'ask before save' option; when it asks, I say no, then use file - save functionality. I'd like to take the next step in automating this; can someone help clean up my code (I'm still more of an ME Macro Language guy...) ? I'd like to get to the point that I can set two buttons in my toolbar to click these after saying no to autosave.
(in-package :valve)
(use-package :oli)
(defvar *AutoSaveIncrement* 1)																						;Loop counter
(defvar *AutoSaveNumberOfIncrements* 2)																				;How many backups do you want? 
(unless (sd-directory-p (format nil "~AAutosave" (sd-inq-temp-dir)))												;Check if an autosave directory exists in the user's temp directoy
  (sd-make-directory (format nil "~AAutosave" (sd-inq-temp-dir)))													;Make Autosave directory

(defun AutoSaveBaseline
  (defvar *AutoSaveBaseLocation* (format nil "~AAutosave/~A" (sd-inq-temp-dir) (get-universal-time)))				;Establish autosave location
  (sd-display-alert "Beginning Autosave" :icon :info :auto-close-time 5)											;Popup toast warning user what's up
  (sd-with-current-working-directory AutoSaveBaseLocation															;Remember CWD, change dir, run these things, revert to CWD
    (save_sd :OVERWRITE :all_at_top :TOP_LEVEL_INSTANCE_FILES :YES :DIRECTORY complete)								;Save all items using .sd format 
    (sd-display-alert (+ "Autosaved to " AutoSaveBaseLocation) :icon :info :auto-close-time 5)						;Popup toast showing location saved to
    (sd-copy-file AutoSaveBaseLocation (+ AutoSaveBaseLocation "BaseCopy"))											;Capture fallback copy of baseline save
; actually I think I want something like this: (oli:sd-sys-background-job "xcopy C:\\Users\\gregm\\Documents\\AutosaveTest\\20180412a %temp%\\20180412ab\\")
(defun AutoSaveIncremental
  (oli:sd-display-alert "Beginning Autosave" :icon :info :auto-close-time 1)										;Popup toast warning user what's up
  (sd-with-current-working-directory AutoSaveBaseLocation															;Remember CWD, change dir, run these things, revert to CWD
    (save_sd_modified :OVERWRITE :all_at_top :TOP_LEVEL_INSTANCE_FILES :YES :DIRECTORY AutoSaveBaseLocation complete) ;Save all modified items - super fast 
    (oli:sd-display-alert (+ "AutoSave to " AutoSaveBaseLocation) :icon :info :auto-close-time 5)					;Popup toast showing location saved to
    (oli:sd-copy-file AutoSaveBaseLocation (+ AutoSaveBaseLocation "_" AutoSaveIncrement))							;Capture fallback copy of incremental save
  (if (= AutoSaveIncrement AutoSaveNumberOfIncrements) 																;Loop to capture fallback increments
    (defvar *AutoSaveIncrement* 1)																					;Reset to 1
	(+ *AutoSaveIncrement* 1)																						;Increment by 1
Just doing a "baseline" save instead of the standard autosave, is a great time saver, since I don't have to wait for the package file to zip (why don't they do that in the background?).
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