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Old 07-25-2015, 06:38 AM
Andy Poulsen Andy Poulsen is offline
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Fort Collins, Colorado
Posts: 273
Re: Open Dialog Position

Hi Mike,

Some goofy things happen with positioning dialogs sometimes. Not sure why it works in some cases and not in others.

However, one thing I discovered is that if you try to position two dialogs, the first one will get moved to the right location when showing the second. So a little trick that has worked for me is to create a dummy dialog shell at some point in your code (you only need to create it once), as follows:
 (sd-create-dialog-shell "dummy"
  :title "dummy"
  :close t
  :bottomline :none))
and then hide and show it immediately after you show your desired dialog, i.e.:
  (sd-show-dialog-shell "UICT-TEST" 
    :position '("TOP-MENU-TOOLBOX-TB" :righttop 10 10))
  (sd-show-dialog-shell "dummy")
  (sd-hide-dialog-shell "dummy")
Take a look and see if this works.
Andy Poulsen
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