Hello Everyone,
I am the Regional Leader for the Northern California CoCreate User Group. I am also the moderator for this forum. You can contact me by clicking either the
pm (personal message) or
email buttons at the bottom of any of my posts.
I work for Agilent Technologies and have been supporting the CoCreate products for almost 10 years (starting with ME10/30 under HP-UX). I became the Regional Leader because it was offered to me and nobody else wanted the job.
I don't think this should be a lifetime appointment, so hopefully someday we can have an election and let someone else do it for a while. If you have any interest, let me know.
I will use this forum to post meeting notices, minutes, announcements, and any other info specific to our user group. Feel free to post any and all information related to this regional user group as well, but please use the other forums for info that might be of interest to everyone.