Help Please
Hello, Many of you do not know me my name is Steve Klimas. I am Designer/Drafter at the Waterous Company in So.St. Paul MN. If you look at the board of directors link on this web site you will see my picture and the length of my time in this position. I wanted to bring up the issue of my length of time in this position for two reasons. 1) This web site will provide you the info on the length of time I have been Treasurer. 1) If we don’t receive some donations soon we will not have a web site for information any more. In the past there has either been enough money in the bank or the bills were paid by a donation. Bob Zajeski is the Board Member in charge of the web site and he paid the bill for it to be up and running last year. Another board member Darren Litherland made a sizable donation a couple of years ago that satisfied our bank account for two years. The President of the Board, Theresa Wrazel made a corporate donation in the past. Well, I have never written asking for donations before but I am doing so now. We are a non-profit corporation. I do not get paid nor does any one else on the board. But as a corporation we have expenses. I have in my possession a request for payment for the web hosting for this year. The bill is $279.95. The monthly statement from the bank also came today. We have $287.14 in our account. You all can do the math. I know this will be a surprise to the board but we haven’t really had regular meeting. I have all the statements from the bank and you are welcome to view them at any time. All that out of the way here it comes: WE NEED DONATIONS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your company can get some free pub for as little as $50.00. I will post a thank you on the user group board for each and every donation received. You can send them to: Waterous Company c/o Steve Klimas 125 Hardman Avenue South South Saint Paul MN USA 55075 Please make the checks payable to: CoCreate Americas User Group Thank You Steven T, Klimas Treasurer p.s. I will make a personal donation to keep the account open for the next month. If you are sending a check please e-mail me at sklimas@usfamily,net with the amount so I can plan ahead.