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Dutch user conference (september)... and it's free!!
For all dutch CoCreate users:
Op 16 september wordt er een CoCreate gebruikers conferentie gehouden met een nieuwe opzet. Deze conferentie is de ontmoetingsplek voor gebruikers van CoCreate producten. Leer van gebruikerspresentaties, specials en de tips & tricks sessie. Spreek de PTC productmanager voor CoCreate producten over ontwikkelingen, leer nieuwe software kennen en wees voorbereid op de aanstaande ontwikkelingen. Kortom: een bijeenkomst die u niet mag missen! Onderwerpen die aan de orde komen zijn:
Deze CoCreate Conferentie 2009 vindt plaats in het Mercure Hotel Utrecht-Bunnik, start om 13.30 uur en loopt door tot in het begin van de avond. Voor eten en drinken in relaxte sfeer wordt gezorgd. Aanmelden kan eenvoudig met het aanmeldingsformulier waarop u ook de deelname aan de parallelle sessies kunt aangeven. Aan deelname zijn geen kosten verbonden (zelfs als uw bedrijf geen lid is!) en meerdere personen uit één organisatie kunnen deelnemen. Noteer 16 september 2009 in uw agenda en schrijf snel in want voor enkele sessies is het aantal plaatsten beperkt! |
Re: Dutch user conference (september)... and it's free!!
[A quick translation ...]
For all Dutch CoCreate users: On September 16, a CoCreate User Conference with a new structure. This conference is the meeting place for users of CoCreate products. Learn from user presentations, special tips and tricks session. Speak with the PTC product manager for CoCreate products on developments, learn new software to know and be prepared for the forthcoming developments. In short: a meeting that you should not miss! Topics to be addressed are: Challenges in Modeling including shared parts CoCreate Modeling Fit on the company profile and customizing macros Structure Browser; work effectively with the structure browser and learn how you can customize to your personal needs Feature recognition and patterns, learn how new opportunities can be used in practice PDM / ERP database maintenance, learn more about the data structures of Model Manager and ERP systems and how data can be analyzed efficiently and maintain Isodraw; learn more about creating technical illustrations and Isodraw with CoCreate Modeling and the interaction with the viewer View Product Tips & Tricks, useful learning functions in CoCreate Modeling know directly profit. Obviously, a Drafting and Model Manager also addressed. CoCreate Product Council, the unique opportunity to use the CoCreate product manager to discuss your needs Wind Chill / Model Manager; learn more about Wind Chill that guaranteed a role to play in Model Manager's Future The detailed program can be found at the CCGG site. This CoCreate Conference 2009 takes place at the Mercure Hotel Utrecht-Bunnik, starts at 13:30 and continues until early evening. For food and drink in relaxed atmosphere is ensured. Sign up is easy with the application form which you can also participate in the parallel sessions as indicated. No charge to participate (even if your company is not a member!) Also several individuals from one organization can participate. Mark September 16, 2009 in your calendar and write back quickly because for some sessions, the number of places limited!
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