Readme for ROUND_DETAIL (Short cut: rd) ************************************************************** INSTALLATION In ME10 go to the directory where the "round detail" macro is stored and enter: INPUT 'rnddetail.mac' The command ROUND_DETAIL or RD can be used to start the macro. The macro could also be included in the PARTS 1 menu. ************************************************************** SYNTAX ROUND_DETAIL SCALE CENTER_PNT RADIUS_PNT DESTINATION (Short cut: RD to save time) ************************************************************** DESCRIPTION The existing CREATE_DETAIL command in ME10 only creates square details. Round_detail creates circular "trimmed" details. The resulting details elements are split. ************************************************************** RECOMMENDED SETTINGS/ADVICE STORE DRAWING BEFORE EXECUTION. ************************************************************** KNOWN BUGS/PROBLEMS Some elements may be missing from the detail. Check particularly for missing arcs, fillets, splines or circles.